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Professor David Johnson

Professor David Johnson, University of Manchester

I am an ecologist, with particular interest in understanding the functional diversity of mycorrhizal fungi. I work on all mycorrhizal types but focus on arbuscular and ectomycorrhizas. Much of my work is reductionist and uses isotopes of one type or another to quantify and visualise movement of resources between mycorrhizal plants and fungi.  I’m also interested in broader interactions with other organisms whether they are insect and mammalian herbivores above-ground, or soil fauna below-ground.


What excites you most about ICOM12?

It’s been a long time since we had a face-to-face ICOM, and if my memories serve me correctly (some of the past excellent social events have meant these memories can be somewhat hazy), they are always a lot of fun. I’m particularly looking forward to seeing the next generation of early career researchers tell us about their excellent work, alongside the work of more established academics. Having ICOM in the UK has been a long time coming and having the meeting in vibrant central Manchester should help generate lots of excitement around the subject.


Why should people attend ICOM12?

There really is nothing like getting inspired by other people’s work and enthusiasm, and discussing new, sometimes whacky, ideas at a social event; perhaps taking advantage of one of Manchester’s ‘public houses’ to do so. For early career researchers, making contacts and developing professional networks is a ‘must do’ activity. For all of us, cementing past friendships and learning about new ideas and techniques is critical to push forward the boundaries of science.  Effective and fun science is all about collaboration and attending ICOM is a perfect way to achieve this.